Sunday, December 14, 2008

A it poem doesn't about make me sense.

If I
it hate
weren't people
for and
babies, the
I'd stupid
be things
a we
nihilist. do.
If I
it hate
weren't gun
for control
the but
second feel
ammendment, it
I'd is
be necessary.
a I
constitutionalist. just
If don't
it like
weren't cooking
for ground
hamburger, chuck,
I'd it
eat makes
red me
meat. gag.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Looking For the Girl Who Once Lived In Carbondale- Craigslist poem

I am the guy who had very long hair and a
black corvette
with a blower coming out of the hood.
I said you looked like Janis Joplin
I was married at the time and wanted you
I own a home in Texas now
and would like you to come live with me
I hope you are out there

in admiration, yes, for he,ee

who is this ee cummings guy, who
thInks he is s o spec
ial that his name


be capitalized?
And have you read his poetry?


His punctuation skills

are a t r o c i o u s

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Non Attractive Guy Needs One Night Stand - Written From Craigslist Personal Ad

I'm by no means the cutest guy
but i would love to have a



relationshiP with


I'm 5'7 160 lbs,

blondish hair
with blue-green eyes.

It would make my day!

Fluoride awareness for beginners

I have strong opinions about things. I like to express those opinions...enthusiastically. Some call this "arguing" or "being confrontational" or "pushy" or "picking fights" or "conversationally aggressive." I disagree. I think, since I base my opinions on logical reasoning and factual evidence, that everyone else thinks they know what they are talking about until they talk to me and become enlightened. I have been told that this is a character flaw, so I am trying my damnedest to correct myself. This post is my first exercise in argumentative moderation.
Instead of rambling on and on about the effects of fluoride in our water supply and how no one should drink fluoridated water unless they want to lose their free-thinking capabilities, I will simply post some snippets of info I have found while researching fluoride over the past year or so. I won't pressure you in any way. However, I will assume, if you take the time to read the information, that you will make the right decision for yourself and your family.

Did you know that for years fluoride was classified as a toxic waste in this country? In fact, not too long ago its only approved uses were as an insecticide and a RAT POISON!
And that's just how your body treats it - as a poison.Plenty of studies have been done over the years - and the results are frightening. Fluoridation has been linked to immune system alteration, musculoskeletal harm, genetic damage, thyroid dysfunction, and even cancer.
- Dr. William Campbell Douglass (The Fluoride Myth Busted)

"As far as I know, there is no one who has done any serious research into whether the fluoridated person is really more docile, easier to rule, more impressed by authority than the non-fluoridated one. There is, though, one peculiar thing: every Dutch doctor has a medical reference book for 1984. One of the chapters is entitled "Tranquillisers". Looking at the "minor Tranquillisers" I find twenty-four substances: their chemical formulae do not show any connection with fluoride. However, there is also a heading, "major Tranquillisers". Of those there are twenty-seven, and seven of them are a fluoride compound. One of these is Semap. It is one of the strongest anti-psychotic substances we know. This means that twenty-five per cent of the major Tranquillisers are connected with fluoride."
-Dr Hans Moolenburgh (Fluoride - The Freedom Fight)

Despite dental pressure, 99% of western continental Europe has rejected, banned, or stopped fluoridation due to environmental, health, legal, or ethical concerns

Only about 5% of the world population is fluoridated and more than 50% of these people live in North America. The Danish Minister of Environment recommended against fluoridation in 1977 because "no adequate studies had been carried out on its long-term effects on human organ systems other than teeth and because not enough studies had been done on the effects of fluoride discharges on freshwater ecosystems."

"In 1978, the West German Association of Gas & Water Experts rejected fluoridation for legal reasons and because 'the so-called optimal fluoride concentration of 1 mg per L is close to the dose at which long-term damage [to the human body] is to be expected.' "

"I am quite convinced that water fluoridation, in a not-too-distant future, will be consigned to medical history."
- Dr. ARVID CARLSSON, Winner, Nobel Prize for Medicine (2000).

Get educated. is a good place to start.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Poetry can bring every man closer to God
so long as they open their heart
to the Great iamb.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Families baste while desperately


still, like stained glass gestapos


A momentous occurance

we say.

Clap why don't you?
lighten up would

Pull the lever and


for the 100th post.

hip hip

Leave it to the Germans.

This German immigrant living in Philly has a really long name. I can't confirm if it is the longest in the world, but it's long nonetheless. I'll bet he hated filling out scan-trons in high school.

(First and "middle" names)
Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert
Irvim John Kenneth Loyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy
Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor Willian Xerxes Yancy

(Last name)


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This literally pisses me off.

The whole purpose of using the word literally before an assumed hyperbole is to eliminate the possibility that it is a hyperbole at all, and to emphasize the literal meaning of what was said.
Some examples would be:

- I was literally up all night working on my essay. (Implies the speaker was working from dusk to dawn. Believable.)

- I literally drank a whole pot of coffee this morning. (Implies that the coffee is now gone and was consumed in its entirety. Believable.)

However, some people feel that they can use a hyperbole and literally to further emphasize the ludicrous nature of the statement.
Some examples would be:

- “He literally chewed my ass all day.” (Implies the speaker's ass was being gnawed on for a whole twenty-four hour period. Unbelievable)

- “What an expensive taxi ride! That cab driver literally charged me an arm and a leg.” (Implies the cab driver in this scenario forced the speaker to dismember himself to pay for the fare. Also unbelievable.)

- “I literally slept for six days straight.” (Implies the speaker slept for 144 hours with no water or food. Not even possible. )

- "I'm literally doing like a million things at once right now." (This is just ridiculous.)

If you are guilty of this silly debauchery of the English language, please do me a favor and stop it. Thank you.

Word Play

John and Marco were playing a newly invented game in which they were allowed only one timeout, which lasted twenty seconds. John got frustrated halfway through the game when Marco took his twenty second timeout due to extreme fatigue. Was John’s frustration justified?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

You’re calm in your element, like a coy fish among plastic Buddhas.
You strut with a lustful hip pop, eyes locked on mine.
You smooth your blouse and flash a faux smile.
Your tag reads Jessica,
You cradle my hand with thin, soy fingers, barely curled, faintly thrusting.
You slide a pen from your glossy bun. “Let me know what you’re looking for.” You say. “I’ll be your
You lead me through the store on stilettos, on fibrous calves that writhe, clench with every step.
Your body says you’re a different kind of
You make as much effort to defy as you do to flaunt, but with your shoulders pulled back,
you coax me to forget that you are only my
You don’t know it yet, but I’m sold.
