Sunday, December 14, 2008

A it poem doesn't about make me sense.

If I
it hate
weren't people
for and
babies, the
I'd stupid
be things
a we
nihilist. do.
If I
it hate
weren't gun
for control
the but
second feel
ammendment, it
I'd is
be necessary.
a I
constitutionalist. just
If don't
it like
weren't cooking
for ground
hamburger, chuck,
I'd it
eat makes
red me
meat. gag.


Anonymous said...

I love this. Took me awhile, but very clever.

German Infidel said...

I this love poem how is you pure can genious disect and and connect should thoughts be amazing congratulated. And And and and

Anonymous said...

this is maybe even better than "the great iamb"...maaaayyybe. thanks for writing.

strangeloop said...

I have such a warm feeling all over. shucks.
