Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yeasayer - Introduction and review

It's only seconds after the stage is surrendered that the four toe - tapping, loosely gyrating men break into an 80's - esque apocalyptic version of life in the future. The crew is an odd compilation of musical doppelgangers of the past, with uncannily familiar doubles of Buddy Holly on drums and Weird Al Yankovic on Bass.
"I can't sleep when I think about the times we're livin' in, I can't sleep when I think about the future I was born into." It's an eerie, representative theme that hangs on all of our minds, delivered by a staggering, violently convulsing lead singer.
While the stagecraft is pleasantly chaotic, the soothing, spiritual vocals and instrumentals take me to a place of order and rhythm, not to mention snap bracelets and hot pink trapper keepers.
In a desperate attempt to compartmentalize their music, Yeasayer is often compared to Brian Eno or The Talking Heads, but I realized after one experience, they are in a category all by themselves.

1 comment:

precarious balance said...

Where do you find this stuff?
