Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The way I see it, there are only a few steps one needs to know in order to master the banjo. I have achieved almost all of them. I know exactly how to hold the banjo. I know how to talk about my banjo. I really like bluegrass music. I move my fingers really fast. Now all I have to do is actually learn how to play the banjo. I'm almost there, and if this video is any indication as to how easy it really is then I'll be jamming in no time. Thanks Frank!


precarious balance said...

Oh yeah. That totally looks like no problem at all. I'm sure those spots on the body of the banjo where he RESTS his pinky and ring fingers just wore down like that in no time. That's not from years and years...and years of playing or anything. Shall I book you a gig for Christmas? Maybe you can do some bluegrass version of Silent Night....

Can I be in your band? Bluegrass uses electric guitars right? I have one of those.....

strangeloop said...

Actually I was thinking we could just play Smoke on the Water, or maybe Iron Man. I know those pretty well. Oh and you could play Green Day's Good Riddance. It will be a hoe-down!
