Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some Things Never Change

What happens when you drive 400,000 wagons over the same trail? Apparently nothing grows there ever again. These ruts at Three Island Crossing were created by pioneers traveling the Oregon trail, and are still visible today. The white marker has been placed there by the National Parks Service in an effort to preserve this historical gem.

1 comment:

precarious balance said...

From the looks of it, that's desert country which is well known for having virtually no surface healing capacity. I assume it's due to lack of rainfall and very little organic matter in the soil but I don't know that for a fact. There are a lot of eco-minds out there complaining about the off-roaders that go out and tear the shit out of the desert. They say the ruts never heal and permanent damage is done to the already fragile ecosystems there. I guess this picture lends some credibility to those claims.
