Sunday, May 18, 2008


It was a 10:47 on a Tuesday night when Rick walked through the tinted glass doors of Bukenfields and stomped the snow off of his Caterpillar boots. He searched the bar for Gale, and after spotting her at the far end near the Kiwanis gum ball machine, he pulled up a seat.

Gale- "What are you doing here?"
Rick- "Same thing you are."
Gale-"It's Tuesday night Rick, how'd you ever convince Tammy to let you out of the house?"
Rick-"That bitch is done with me."
Gale-"C'mon Rick, you say that every week."
Rick-"I mean it this time."
Gale-"You meant it last time."
Rick-"Why you talking 'bout Tammy? I came here to get away from her."
Rick-"Want a beer?"
Gale- "Got one."
Rick-"Want another one?"
A moment of silence passes while Rick digs in his pocket for a ten. After ordering two PBRs, he turns back to Gale.
Rick-"You look nice tonight."
Gale-"Shut up you ass."
Rick-"You do."
Gale-"I said shut...up."
Rick-"Fine. How's Paul?"
Rick-"He's always fucking working"
(Gale shrugs her shoulders while finishing her first beer.)
Rick-"You need a good man Gale. Someone who'll take care of you."
Gale-"Ha! Like you?"
Rick-"yeah like me."
Gale-"You're a damned wreck Rick."
Rick-"Still more of a man than he is."
Gale-" I thought I told you to shut up."
Rick- "Fine."
(Another moment of silence passes while each drinks their beer and watches the silent episode of M.A.S.H playing on the tv above the liquor shelf.)
Rick-"Hey, wha'dya say we go somewhere quiet, just you and me."
Gale-"Rick, give it up."
Rick-"you don't think I'm sexy anymore? Is that it?"
Gale-"It was one time Rick. One time!"
Rick-"I'm going home. Tammy finds out I'm gone, I'll be dead."
Gale-"See ya Friday."
Rick-"Yeah, see ya Friday."

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