Saturday, May 17, 2008

I Hung my head

I have always been dumbfounded by the idea of blogging. Many times while floating around the expasive depths of cyber space for some (usually worthless) information on the internet via search engines I happen to land on some shmoe's blog. It usually consists of what his cat ate for lunch or a cliched story about what happened with him and the boys the previous Friday night at the local honkey tonk mixed in with some shallow political viewpoints which usually includes the phrase "...I say we just nuke 'em and turn the whole country into one big parking lot." I always hit the back arrow in awe at the idea that someone could possibly be so naive as to believe that enough people want to read these musings to create their own public web log. Huh. What losers.
Yet here I am, and I am sheepishly blushing at the idea that I now step among the ranks of those who litter the highways of the interweb with insignificant gum-bumping that really doesn't differ from the next. However, I DO realize how insignificant I am as a blogger, and will write as such. I'm not here to change the world, I'm just here to vent to the three people who will stumble across my page while searching for some unrelated information. So to those three people I say WELCOME!
Now let us move on to more important issues like what my cat had for lunch.

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