Saturday, February 20, 2010

This is a place of worship, not logic!

I got into a theological debate with a friend who happened to be quite radical in his beliefs. He said he doesn't even believe in evolution a little bit and that he puts all his faith in the bible. He thinks Genesis tells exactly how it all began and that nothing existed before. When asked how he explained fossils of creatures that walked the planet millions of years before humans he smiled, as though I were a naive layman, and said "That's easy. God created the earth with fossils embedded in the soil to test our faith. I worship God, not science. I have faith and that's all I need."

What the hell do I say to that?

1 comment:

marc aurel said...

My mother used to say that some people walked around with blinkers on. (As horses used to. They were used to stop the horses from being distracted from what was in front of them). She also said that some people got so used to their blinkers that they would insist on keeping them on. All dogmatism is like that.
