Monday, July 14, 2008


Apparently John McCain and Barack Obama have found something they both have in common; being whiney ass babies. Why such the hullabaloo now that the fun poking and supposed degradation is on the cover of a popular SATIRICAL magazine? John McCain didn't have a problem with Hillary Clinton's slandering of Obama by doctoring ads to make his skin darker. Heck, a few months ago, every political candidate was painting mental pictures far worse than that on the cover of The New Yorker, but no two candidates took sides to fight this evil then.
I guess my disgust with this issue is that The New Yorker is a damn good magazine. It targets intellectuals, and in doing so, assumes those who read their magazine would be open minded and intelligent enough to actually understand the message being delivered on the cover, and God forbid, ACTUALLY READ THE ARTICLE, which was supposedly quite flattering on Obama's behalf. With that being said, I believe caution must be used when choosing what cover art to use that best portrays what the issue is about, but I don't think The New Yorker crossed the line here. Moreover, the title of the artwork was "The Politics of Fear", and if that is over your head you should put down the New Yorker and go back to your Maxim-and reconsider running for president.

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