Sunday, August 2, 2009

Yahoo! Answers question Ten

I found this question on Yahoo! answers and couldn't resist.

I'm pregnant and I have never had sex.?
That's right just went to the doctor who confirmed it. I am 15 almost 16 and never in my life have I had sexual intercourse. But here I am 6 week pregnant! could someone PLEASE EXPLAIN this to me. Cause the doc sure couldn't!!!!

My Answer- Actually, there is a very, very rare medical condition called Burgenhoffer's disease where you don't actually have to be involved in any type of sexual activity in order to get pregnant. Here's how it happens.
When you are born, you have a certain amount of eggs in your ovaries waiting for you to hit puberty so you can start dropping. As you mature, your body releases chemicals, triggering their release. If you have Bergenhoffer's disease, your Y chromosomes have one peptide too many and when your glands start producing estrogen it is chemically imbalanced and causes your body to hoard your eggs instead of dropping them. The extra peptide causes a very volatile concoction in your reproductive organs that, in most cases, causes all eggs to die. But some scientists believe if your eggs survive, they will adapt to their hardships and start developing off of the DNA of the Y chromosomes only. This would trigger the development of the egg into an embryo without the use of sperm, therefore creating a sex free pregnancy.

Actually, I made all of that up. You have to have sex to get pregnant.

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