Friday, August 21, 2009

Yahoo! Answers question eleven

I've already cut down on my noise pollution. What else can I do to help the environment?

I love being green, and I have dedicated myself to preserving our planet by reducing my contribution to noise pollution. I have put foam pads on the inside of my Hummer doors to make them quieter when they close, I have put baffles on my jet skis, my motorcycles, my four-wheelers and every time one of the kids yell, I tell them they just added one inch to the giant hole in the ozone layer.
I am currently looking for some quieter lawn sprinklers (since we run them all summer) and we turn the t.v on mute and use the closed captions options instead. Is there anything else you could recommend to help reduce our impact on global warming? Any suggestions are appreciated.

1 comment:

precarious balance said...

Try to time your knock-down-drag-out fights with you wife so that the noise pollution they produce comes at off-peak midnight. That way, the shouting, screaming and breaking glass won't compound the traffic and daytime noise pollution. If your neighbors bitch at you for interrupting their sleep, tell them exactly how selfish they are for putting a higher priority on sleep than on the health of the planet.
