Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain '08

Do you hate your country? Do you enjoy being attacked by radical, extremist, Muslim terrorist groups driven by hate and jealousy for free democratic nations such as America? Do you hate servicemen who have sacrificed, even died, for the ideals Americans hold so dear? Do you want gays and atheists to take over the world?

If you answered no to any of the above questions, John McCain is your man. John believes in America and its people so much, he sacrificed seven years of his life in a dark, cold, vile Vietnamese prison cell. He's got the scars to prove it. As a senator, John dedicated his life to taking on his own party as a true maverick in Washington. He's got the scars to prove that, too. Let's cut to the chase. John McCain has a lot of scars. He loves his country and its military might and he has scars.

So when you hold that ballot in your hand on Tuesday, think about those scars. Scars on his back, scars on his legs, scars on his shoulders...scars everywhere. Scars, scars, scars.
Plus his middle name isn't Hussein.

(Paid for by John McCain 2008)

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