Friday, November 7, 2008

Yahoo! Answers questions - Six

(Another reminder to my readers, these questions were manufactured by me to get a radical response from the Yahoo Answers community. They in no way represent my personal opinions. So don't freak out and call me, Mom!)

Sir, did you order the breast milk?

I had a rough day at work yesterday so I decided to spoil myself a little and go out to eat at a fancy steak house. The waitress sat me at a small table around a corner where I could enjoy my meal in peace. I could only see one other table from where I sat, which was good because I hate watching other people eat.
I ordered my food and started quietly reading the paper. Suddenly, from around the corner came a family of five,to sit in the only table in the whole restaurant that I could see. Sitting down directly in my line of sight was a woman with a screaming new born baby. She quickly sat down, set her purse on the floor and pulled her plump, veiny breast out and popped it in her kid's mouth!!!
"OH MY SWEET VISHNU!" I yelled. The whole family turned and looked at me, including the newborn with a nipple down his throat and yellow colostrum rolling down his cheek. "CANT YOU COVER THAT UP!?" I screamed. She was extremely offended and got all self conscious and started crying. Did I do the wrong thing? Should I not be offended by this? Is it that hard to cover up those rascals when feeding? They make pumps for a reason.

Best Answer #1- You are a sad, pathetic, lonely person. Do you really feel the need to have the world bend to your daily neurotic twists? Grow up.

Best Answer #2- American women take their freedoms for granted. In many places in the middle east, they can't even show their faces in public. You'd think girls here'd be happy about flashing their whorish little ankles around, but now they want to expose their breasts?

Just the other day, I went to my favorite bar to enjoy a beer, and the girl on the stage kept dancing and flashing her cervix at me.

It's simply disgusting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please do yahoo answers everyday.
