Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Rarity

I see them and hear them
every second of every day.
they surround me
at the grocery store
and the gas station
spewing ashy grey words
and reeking of mediocrity
at best.
what nice weather we're having
the traffic is terrible
have you lost weight?
long time no see
who did the braves trade?
oh these gas prices
and it goes on
and on and on
and on until each one
becomes another and
their faces are like
humming chicken eggs.
some are brown and some
are big and some are extra large
grade A
but they all have the same goo
and their humming is one off key
vibration giving me a life long
But every once in a while
I see a face
hear a face
and it speaks
a language I understand.
Every once in a while
the humming stops
and the eggs all go away
and I can communicate
with someone
using words
and thoughts.
Every once in a while.

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