Friday, August 1, 2008


To signify the piercing pain it took to push through math.
To represent duality of who I am inside, and what people see on the outside.
To prove to my students I am dedicated, stupid, and spontaneous.
Because I don't understand it.
Because I didn't think it through, and made a hasty decision.
To pass my final.
Because, at heart, I'm an idiot.


precarious balance said...

I don't know if it's idiocy or pure genius. Either way, you deserve an award for cheekiest action ever taken by a college student in an effort to stick it to the teacher. Who cares if you can't use notes pages? What's the prof gonna do now? Make you leave your arm at home? Way to stick it to The Man, man!

Carole Lee said...

ihis is your Mother. And just for the record if anyone wants to know I dont know where he gets this stuff. just because i have the dictionary tattooed across my chest does not mean he is not insaine!!!!
