Friday, September 19, 2008

SPAM haikus 2

I found a genie
and wished for a can of SPAM.
I don't regret it.

Sometimes, late at night
I wake up in a cold sweat
reaching for your SPAM.


German Infidel said...

Spam you wonderful processed gift
i can always count on you
to give me a magical and whimisical lift
in times of sadness with dark world view

I squeeze the meaty goodness
deep inside my paws
and derive such glorious happiness
SPAM you are my one and only cause

I must spread the word of SPAM to all
aound the world I must travel
How one can of you stopped a brawl
and prevented dirty cuts filled with gravel

SPAM SPAM i love thee
pork, chicken and beef
only on technicality
are you really considered meat

Bob Ichter said...

to post a you tube video ....while watching the video, to the right you should see two bars, one says url...that would be to link the video somewhere...
under that bar it says embed...copy and paste that info in a blog and the video pops up in your blog
