Thursday, September 11, 2008

They didn't die in vain after all.

I'm glad to see Burger King has a strong grasp on the meaning of patriotism. Bumper stickers are bad enough, but THIS? I'm glad they appraise the lost lives of service members at $1.29. It's all about little sacrifices, but this is ridiculous. I don't think this is what people mean when they use the term freedom fries.


precarious balance said...

Well, the cost of freedom must be rising with inflation. A couple years ago when Team America: World Police came out, the song said freedom cost a "buck-o-five." Fries were 99 cents then too.

Anonymous said...

wait, this advertisement is REAL? tell me you photoshopped this...

strangeloop said...

no, I didn't photoshop it. Its real, albeit rather prominent on the internet (google it, you'll see) but I couldn't pass it up. Especially on September 11th.

German Infidel said...

Show me your hamburgers, hamburgers, your hamburgers, your hamburgalia.
I am happy to know that the sacrifice that men and women made to ensure the freedoms we hold dear is validated by a coupon from the BK lounge. Bravo corporate America you fail to suprise me.
