Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FYI Stats pulled from Harper's magazine index.

Estimated number of cows it takes to supply the 22,000 footballs the NFL uses every season: 3,000
Number of pigs: 0

Number of wisdom teeth extracted from Americans last year: 9,337,000

Percentage of Chicago restaurant managers who say they allow patrons to smoke cigarettes: 84
To nurse a child: 34

Chances that a first-time user of cocaine will become addicted: 1 in 6

Number of Parisians who break bones or are hospitalized each year after slipping on dog feces: 650

Maximum number of “unsaved” players permitted per team in a Massachusetts evangelical softball league: 4

Number of microphones installed in Redwood City, California, last August as part of its “Urban Gunfire Location System”: 8
Number of town residents killed by random gunfire before the program was instituted: 0

Percentage change since 1978 in the number of Americans who say they believe in ghosts: +200

Percentage of high-school students who say the telephone was invented after 1950: 10
Percentage who cannot name the region of the country William Faulkner wrote about: 67

Cost per minute to hear the Bill of Rights read over the phone “in a provocative manner” by a woman named Bambi: $1.98

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