Saturday, January 30, 2010

Putting Ann in her place.

If you are anything like me (a level-headed, hard working, God fearing, democracy loving American), then every time you see Ann Coulter on Fox News (which would only be in passing or while you're on the treadmill at the gym because if you are like me (which you already agreed to being) you would have Fox News blocked from your home television) you would say to yourself, "Man, I would really like to wipe my ass with her stupid, skeletor face." Well, I am happy to announce that it is now possible.

It's from Canada, which makes it great, and it's toilet paper with Ann Coulter's face which makes it even greater.

1 comment:

precarious balance said...

Can I get rolls where every other sheet is Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, and Ann Coulter?
