Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yahoo! Answers questions - Four

Is my brother a fugitive?
Yesterday my brother called me up and said he had two tickets for a concert and wanted me to go. I initially said no because he always finds a way to get into trouble, but he promised to be good so I agreed to it. We had a few drinks before the show so we could really feel the music, but he continued drinking and got smashed. He did behave himself for the most part and I was proud of him. When the show was over he found me in the crowd and told me he had met a girl and was going to get a ride home with her. I didn't object, so I went home without him and went to bed.
This morning I woke up and found him passed out in the backyard, beaten, bruised, shirtless and handcuffed. I quickly drug him into the house and noticed two puncture wounds on his back, so I think he got the taser. Should he turn himself in? He had no wallet last night so the cops didn't get his ID. No one knew who he was and I know he didn't tell them his name. Anyone know how to get handcuffs off? What should I do?

Best Answer- he is ur bro....take his side. Blood is thicker than water.

My response- I realize blood is thicker than water, though I am having a hard time deciding whether or not it is thicker than cold hard cash. Crime stoppers is anonymous right? I will take his side publicly, but I may have to turn him in. On the other hand, he is a mean mofo.

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